Ok, I broke down and shelled out the $22.50 (it was on sale at my grocery store) and bought the Olay Regenerist 14 Day Skin Intervention that consists of "14 individual anti-age treatments for an intensive intervention to your normal skincare routine." There are two phases and you use each phase instead if your usual nightly moisturizer for two weeks. I have used three nights' worth so far. While I haven't noticed any changes yet, I will say the first phase treatment is really nice to apply. I think some people might say it's greasy, but it's really more velvety. It has a nice slip to it, and almost feels a teeny bit powdery (but doesn't look that way at all). I like the texture a lot. I wonder if any of the other Olay products have the same feel - I might buy one just for that reason alone. But I am keeping a positive attitude that at the end of the two week period, my skin will have a nice healthy glow to it. Uh, coincidentally, (wink-wink) the day after I finish the two week intervention, I am attending a wedding in Atlanta where I will be seeing a bunch of friends and former co-workers, so I want to look my best. Hopefully, Olay Regenerist will not let me down! Now if only Olay had a 14 day intervention for eating too much my daughter's Easter candy, then I'd be all set...