I stopped into Bath & Body Works the other day to check out their new line, Shea Cashmere, but what I ended up loving was from their Aromatherapy line, something called Sleep - Warm Milk & Honey. In a deep cobalt blue bottle with little white stars, the body lotion was a yummy smelling blend of cinnamon and cloves, both from essential oils. The combination really does smell like some concoction that your grandmother might have whipped up on a cold night to help you fall asleep (now, I've never actually had warm milk, but if it tastes anything like how this stuff smells, bring me a glass!). Now, I cannot attest to whether it helps you sleep better because as much as I loved the fragrance, times are lean and I cannot afford to buy every beauty/skincare/bodycare product I fall in love with (I would be bankrupt for sure if I did), but I hope it will go on sale during one of B&BW's awesome sales. Or I will have to wait and put it on my Christmas list. Here's to sweet-smelling dreams...
My name is Eileen and I'm from the blog MissWhoever You Are. I am emailing you about
possibly collaborating with me and several other blogs for the month of October.
Every three minutes, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. This
staggering statistic resonated deeply with the members of the Total Beauty
blog community, many of whom have been personally touched by the disease.
in the spirit of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Total Beauty
blog community is hosting a month-long initiative that integrates breast
cancer awareness, fundraising to benefit the Breast Cancer Research Fund
(BCRF) and beauty giveaways to engage women in the quest for the cure.
"Total Beauty - Total Cure" is dedicated to increasing awareness about the
importance of prevention and early detection, and arming women with the
knowledge they need to take control of their health, bringing us one step
closer to a world without breast cancer. Breast cancer information,
screening guidelines, and links to available resources will be integrated
throughout the campaign. And each participating blogger has pledged to
funds for BCRF.
The Total Beauty blog community will engage its readership through daily
giveaways (valued at more than $250) that require entrants to answer
cancer trivia, making the contests both educational and fun. Giveaways will
also be hosted on Total Beauty - Total Cure pages on Facebook and MySpace;
throughout the month of October, all visitors who become a "friend" of the
pages will be entered in a drawing to win a bounty of beauty products.
Giveaway sponsors include Anastasia Beverly Hills, Benefit, Cargo,
Clarisonic, Jurlique, L'Oreal Paris, NARS, Stila and Tarte. This unique
collaboration of beauty bloggers, beauty brands and Total Beauty is one to
show a united voice of strength and hope that, someday soon, we will close
in on a cure to breast cancer.
As a participant in "Total Beauty - Total Cure", I'd be delighted if you
could spread the word of this initiative to your readers and post the
campaign logo, video, and giveaway calendar on your site. If you are
interested in making a monetary contribution, we ask that you visit
For more information about the campaign, please visit Total Beauty
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me directly. I
hope that we can count on your support, and I look forward to your
Eileen Karla Dautruche
Writer & Editor in Chief
MissWhoever You Are