I love a beauty bargain (hence, all my Free Shipping posts), and as with other types of items, you can try to get a good deal on beauty products on good ol' eBay. Now, sometimes, you don't get such a good deal. I just thought this was interesting -- a few posts back, I wrote about a cool mascara sampler from Sephora called The Lash Stash. Looking on eBay under the search word "Sephora," I found someone auctioning off The Lash Stash set. On the Sephora website it retails for $28. This auction started at 99 cents, with very low shipping ($2.50), so I bid. The auction is ending today in a few hours and the bidding is up to $34.00!! Uh, if you go to Sephora, you can get it for $27 -- so not a good eBay bargain there! I'm guessing that these (over) bidders either 1) do not have a Sephora store near them, or 2) don't have a credit card and therefore, can't purchase from Sephora.com and need to use PayPal and have the purchase price taken from their bank account or will send the seller a check/money order. Because darn if I can figure out why else you would bid a higher price for something from someone you don't know when you could get directly from Sephora! Unless, someone just got into a bidding frenzy and couldn't help themselves - they just have to win the auction, regardless of the price! Do you think there is an eBayers Anonymous out there?
UPDATE: The Lash Stash on eBay sold for $41 plus $2.50 shipping!! How crazy!