Recently, I ran out of pads for my Shu Uemura eyelash curler. You know, the curler that it seems every makeup artist and beauty guru recommends. And for good reason - it gives great curl. So I went on a mission to obtain more curler pads, only to find out, you can't get replacement pads, other than the one refill pad that comes with the curler when you buy it. What I'm saying here is that in order to get new pads for your Shu Uemura curler, you have to BUY another Shu Uemura eyelash curler!! I was astounded! In fact, on the Sephora website, it states that you should replace the pas every three months (I'm down with that, they start to crack, and that's bad for your eyelashes), and you should replace the curler itself EVERY SIX MONTHS! Are you kidding me?! I have read numerous articles by makeup artists who say that they have had their beloved SU eyelash curler for years. So where do they get refill pads? And I can't believe that the SU is so shoddily made that it would have to be replaced after a mere six months of use. I mean, come on, even if you curl your lashes everyday for six months, I can't believe it would tax the curler so much that you'd need to buy a new one. Now, I get it - companies need to make money, and if they make something that lasts for 20 years, then we're only going to buy one every 20 years. No money to be made that way. But, really, Shu Uemura, you want me to by a new eyelash curler at $19 a pop every six months? I don't think so. That said, I plan on getting a Shiseido eyelash curler - at Sephora, you can buy refill pads. Though, they are temporarily out-of-stock at the moment...However, I found that you really can get almost anything on eBay, and there are people selling Shiseido eyelash curler refill pads. And here's the best part, it seems that one particular style of Shiseido refills pads will fit the Shu Uemura curler. How's about that? I am going to buy some of the Shiseido refill pads on eBay to see of they will work in the SU curler, but I'm so annoyed with SU and their obvious attempts to get my money by telling me that I should replace my curler every six months (unless someone out there can validate SU's claim), that I will still get the Shiseido curler. Shiseido also has a mini curler that I am interested in trying. Of course, that's a whole other set of refill pads to worry about!
P.S. I wanted to mention that in the course of trying to locate more pads for the SU curler, I bought a Revlon curler to tide me over. I had a $1 off coupon and got the curler for less than $3. Well, I got my money's worth. It's terrible. The pad is small and doesn't give a nice bend to your lashes. Pass this one by.