There is a creamy pink pencil from BENEFIT called Eye Bright that I Can't Live Without! You see, I have the circles under my eyes that will not go away no matter what. Eight hours of sleep? Still there. Fancy eye creams? Still there. Expensive undereye concealers? Still there. According to my dermatologist, these dark circles are oh-so-lovingly referred to as "tear troughs," and injectible fillers are pretty much the only way to get rid of them (ouch). However, for the needle-shy and those feeling the pinch of these troubling economic times we are living in, Eye Bright is a solution that only costs $20, so it doesn't hurt your wallet or your face. I draw a pink line or two on the dark circles/indentions under my eyes and in the inner corners of my eyes where darkness lurks, and, ouila - instant brightness! It truly helps. It can also be used as a highlighter on the brow bone. I still use regular concealer under my eyes, but the Eye Bright goes right on those really troublesome areas. I may get Restylane at some point, but for right now Eye Bright is right for me.